Thursday, February 7, 2008

Latest Fashions?

I had a bad Mommy moment yesterday. Nothing terrible, I just did the one thing you're NEVER supposed to do. I laughed at Zippy when he was doing something I keep telling him not to. But it wasn't my fault. I couldn't help it. I keep telling him to keep his clothes on, but I didn't exactly mean like this. He strutted into the room buck naked except for the underwear on his head. He walked right over to me and announced, "Mommy, this is my hat." And then turned, and marched straight back out of the room. I seriously couldn't help it. Bad Mommy; bad, bad Mommy. . .


Rae said...

Lol! I am still chuckling over this. LOL! He is so cute!

Amy said...

I get in trouble all the time for laughing at my neices and nephews! They are just so dang funny, especially when they are not trying to be!

I also get in trouble for laughing when their parents are trying to discipline them. I've found it's easier to just leave the room. :-)