Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LIterary Lessons

I have been devouring books right and left lately. It seems I can't get enough of it. I plan my day around the best times to read (i.e. when Zippy and Munchkin are asleep or occupied), and it's rare I'll go more than an hour without slipping a few pages in. But while I've been enjoying my forays into my imagination, my reality has been suffering neglect.

I've decided that, rather than try to stop reading (like that's gonna happen), I need to apply lessons learned from the books I'm drawn to and improve reality while I'm at it. So, for today, my literary observations are thus:

The "leading ladies" I'm drawn to share a number of traits. And they are traits that are sorely lacking in my own life. They are strong women who put duty before pleasure, but who take pleasure in their work. They are not ashamed of or embarrassed by what they're passionate about. And, while some of my favorites enjoy and thrive on literature, they certainly don't spend months on end with their noses buried in books--they stand up and live their lives the best they can with whatever they're given.

Well, I keep wondering why my life never turns out like the books I read, so I guess there's part of the answer. I can't live that exciting of a life with my nose in a book--I actually have to get off my chair and live it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Two days until Stephenie Meyer (a.k.a. Empress of Sexy) arrives in town. Two days until I'm standing in front of her, meeting her, and getting my books signed!

Excuse me for a moment while I have a fangirl moment:


OK, I'm done now.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good News

There have been many good things happen since I last posted, and since my brain refuses to kick into gear, all I'm going to do is list them:

My computer is back up and running after a week-long "vacation".

The Z-Man starts his great new job this Sunday.

My brother gets to call home from his mission on Sunday.

I own 2 copies of the Host by Stephenie Meyer.

I also have 2 tickets to her Utah book signings.

In just over a week, I will be attending said signings with other Twilight Mom friends.

My best friend Rae is going to come visit in June--we actually get to celebrate her birthday together!

My other best friend Sarah is going to read the same books I've been reading lately--a perfect situation for many great conversations and laughs together.

I now have a new nickname: "The Transformer" which I'm still not convinced I deserve, but which makes me giggle.

Most of all, I have a life full of friends and family whom I know love me unconditionally. What better feeling is there!