Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good News

There have been many good things happen since I last posted, and since my brain refuses to kick into gear, all I'm going to do is list them:

My computer is back up and running after a week-long "vacation".

The Z-Man starts his great new job this Sunday.

My brother gets to call home from his mission on Sunday.

I own 2 copies of the Host by Stephenie Meyer.

I also have 2 tickets to her Utah book signings.

In just over a week, I will be attending said signings with other Twilight Mom friends.

My best friend Rae is going to come visit in June--we actually get to celebrate her birthday together!

My other best friend Sarah is going to read the same books I've been reading lately--a perfect situation for many great conversations and laughs together.

I now have a new nickname: "The Transformer" which I'm still not convinced I deserve, but which makes me giggle.

Most of all, I have a life full of friends and family whom I know love me unconditionally. What better feeling is there!

1 comment:

Rae said...

I think the lack of focus has to do with Stephanie Meyer can you focus on anything else but the Host right now. LOL!

By the much do I owe you for the book?