Monday, April 14, 2008

Because I'm bored. . . .

And don't have anything better to do tonight, here's more information than you ever wanted to know about me:

1. What is your occupation? Mother, homemaker, piano teacher, Twilight enthusiast

2. What color are your socks right now? non-existant. It's way too warm for socks

3. What are you listening to right now? KOHS--the local high school alternative music station

4. What was the last thing you ate? A Coldbuster from Jamba Juice

5. Can you drive a stick shift? You better believe it baby!

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Some form of yellow

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? RAE!!!

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? You bet! Sarah, you're still one of my favorite people ever!

9. Favorite drink? Dr. Cullen--no question

10. What is your favorite sport to watch? volleyball--the ONLY one I enjoy watching

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, but I get bored with it too easily to commit to anything drastic.

12. Pets? One mutt named Bear

13. Favorite food? Strawberries and chocolate--preferrably together

14. Last movie you watched? Other Side of Heaven--Z-man had it on and I half-watched while catching up online

15. Favorite day of the year? My birthday--the only day I can be truly selfish without guilt!

16. What do you do to vent anger? Call Rae, post on TMs, and mostly cry

17. What is your favorite season? Tie between Spring and Fall

18. Hugs or kisses? Um, it depends on whom it's from. . . . Mostly hugs, unless we're talking about the Z-man. . . .

19. When was the last time you cried? When I heard my dear friend's MIL was losing her battle with cancer.

20. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes, dust, and some laundry that fell out of the basket

21. Favorite smells? Chocolate, fresh bread, my babies when they've just been bathed

22. Who inspires you? Rae, Z-man, my mother, and my TM sisters

23. What are you afraid of? Bees--don't ask, it isn't pretty

24. Favorite car? Astin Martin--they're sexy, fast, and Z-man doesn't know how to tinker with them ;)

25. Number of keys on your key ring? 4--my van, Z-man's car, Z-man's truck (not the classic Chevy, dang it!), and our house

26. How many years at your current job? Well, Zippy's 4 now, so. . . .

27. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday--random I know, but it's my break in teaching piano, and I'm halfway through the week--a very hopeful thought.

28. How many states have you lived in? 2 Kansas and Utah

29. Do you think you're funny? It depends on how many Dr. Cullen's I've had and whether Rae, AmyO, and/or Sarah are around

And there it is: Random and useless information about me that you probably never wanted to know.

But then again, there is this: I've actually posted 2 days in a row!!!! Who knew I had it in me!


Amy said...

Yay for 2 blog posts in a row!

I don't know why you brought my name into the mix for #29- I am quiet, demure, and timid. I would never behave in an unladylike manner. Are you trying to ruin my reputation?

Rae said...

Ha...Amy...I am sure I do not believe that in the slightest...she says you are like me...and that well says it all.

By the way..#9....sounds slightly dirty..even knowing what a Dr Cullen is...Hee hee Hee

Amy said...

Meg- what have you been telling Rae? I hope you're not leading her astray with your untruths.

*sigh* Dr. Cullen is yummy! (and I don't mean the drink!)

Rae said...

And with the comment about Dr point has been proven. Hee Hee Hee!

Amy said...

Drat! I've revealed my true self! Just when I thought I had you all fooled.