Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Delicious Destruction

Last Saturday we went to the Salt Lake County Fair as a family. Now, before you get all teary-eyed with cute images of our little family strolling through the animals and baked goods being all lovey, you should know why we went. One reason and one reason only: the Demolition Derby.

For those who don't know what that is (and really, you all should), it's a bunch of people (guys mostly) with too much time and an extra car. They take all glass, etc out of said extra car and use it to smash into each other. It's a grown up version of bumper cars. And it is one of the best ways to spend a summer Saturday night ever!!!

I know, I know, I come across all sophisticated and urbane (snorts and snickers appropriate here). But Z-man and his roomies introduced me to the joy that is a demolition derby when we were still first dating. Translation: I was still up for anything becuase I was trying to impress him. And I have been hooked ever since. My parents think I've lost my mind. Many of my girlfriends laugh at me. But until you have heard the snarl of a beefed-up engine followed by a very satisfying crunch of folding metal and the accompanying roar of an excited (and mostly drunk) crowd, you'll never know the thrill that is a demolition derby.

So, here's to those drivers with too much adrenaline and too many cars! Thanks for making my summer!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Meg!! How fun!! I lurv destruction derby's!!! I haven't been in years, but yah! In my hometown the city PD went up against the local sheriff's dept. every year. It was great fun to watch the cops smash each other up. Guess I really grew up in a red neck town. 8)


Amy said...

How is this possible?!?!?! Say it's not really true!

My world is in peices...

Rae said...

This is okay Amy....deep breath.....
I understand your distress. It takes time and effort but you can overcome as I have. We just have to accept that sometimes Z-man is NOT a good influence on our dear Meg. Lol!

We can form a support group. I made it and so can you....;)

Amy said...

I'm just not sure I can get over this one. I was able to overcome the "Dude, Where's my car?" thing but this demolition derby thing is really throwing me for a loop. I definetly need that support group, either that or chocolate.

Rae said...

Being so wise in my old age....I understand the need for Chocolate so our support group could provide it as needed. Lol!

Megatha said...

Dude Where's My Car!!!

Now, that would make a good post. . . .LOL And hey! No chocolate without me!

Andie, I would LOVE to see cops in a demo derby! How fun!