Friday, August 15, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

I've recently been reminded by my ever-so-kind-and-loving girlfriends, that I adore quite a few things that make them snicker and giggle--and roll their eyes on occasion. I thought it would be a hoot to list as many of them as I can. So, in the name of making those I love laugh today, here's my list of guilty pleasures: i.e. things I really shouldn't love like I do:

**"Dude Where's My Car?"--come on, it's hilarious!
**Demolition derbies
**Twilight/Stephenie Meyers--this is way beyond guilty pleasure but I still get some eye-rolls over it
**Ace of Base
**Romance novels (although Rae keeps me within strict bounds--thanks babe!)
**Dukes of Hazard--either the old show or the new movie--lovely mindless viewing pleasure!
**Manual (i.e. stick shift) engines--ooh the power!
**Mac computers--but really, they all want one too!

This just barely scratches the surface! What are your guilty pleasures?


Rae said...

For those in Need, Amy and I are starting a support group, to help us survive. There will be chocolate available, as needed. :)

Amy said...

Yes, chocolate will be served at all support group meetings. Chocolate cookies, cheesecake, candybars...

Rae will have to conduct the meetings because I'll be in the corner in the fetal position. I'll be the one repeating "How can this be happening?" over and over again. ;)

Rae said...

As I seem to be the one who has survived with the unfortunate reality the longest, I can run the meetings. I promise it will get easier.

Now we just have to figure out the 12 steps. Lol!