Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stupid Shiny Sun

Usually, I'm up a long time before the kids. Not this morning. This is the first thing I heard this morning thanks to Zippy:

"The sun's coming up."
*incoherent mumbling from me *
"The sun says it's morning." This time accompanied by a little shake of my arm.
"The sun says it's time to get up Mommy!"

This last sentence was shouted in my ear. I figured that since I would now need a massive dose of pain-killer to get rid of the headache I suddenly had, I might as well start the day. Stupid, shiny sun. He and I are going to have a long talk about waking my kids up. . . .


Georgia said...

Grrrrr to the sun in the morning!

Amy said...

Let me know how that chat works out for you ;)

My nephew Daniel says "The sun is up, the moon is down- time to wake up!" I think it's cute but that's because I'm the aunt and have never actually been woken up with this phrase. His Mom doesn't think it's nearly as cute.

Brownie Bites said...

Dumb dumb sun. Until it starts going down at 5:00pm, then I really start to miss him. Is it a "him"?

Rae said...

I am not a fan of him myself......

Though....I get to wake up to an alarm that I can snooze not a child that requires my attention.....

Britten said...

Don't you love it when they do this?

That's when the tv comes in very handy.

"Mommy doesn't like the sun. Mommy is a vampire!"

Kathy Habel said...

Hopefully it wasn't too early when he said that!