Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Catching Up

Life has been so full and crazy it's been tough to get on here and update anything. But now we have a day or two between family visits, so it's time to touch base.

My house is cleaner today than it has been in months. The dishes are done (except the ones the kids are eating lunch on right now). All the beds are made--the bathrooms are clean and disinfected--the kids rooms are picked up--the entire upstairs has been vacuumed. It feels wonderful!!! But the sad part is there's still tons of dirt and grime and clutter waiting for my attention. I think the Housekeeping Fairy missed our house while I was sick. It's taking FOREVER to dig us out of it.

On more happy news: We're having a BOY!!! We're very excited. Everything seems to be going quite well at this point. All the complications are gone (keep your fingers crossed that nothing else happens). I've got just over 3 months left, which seems both extremely short and ridiculously long.

Zippy starts Kindergarten in a month. My feelings on this change by the moment. Mostly, when he's next to me asking his incessant questions, I'm more than happy to send him to someone else for a couple hours. But when he's quiet or in the other room playing, I worry I'll miss him a little. Ah well, either way, he's going.

And last, but not least, I have discovered a new way to get Munchkin to do whatever I want her to do. If I ask her, the answer is invariably "NO!" But if I ask her teddy-bear to help her do it, then it's a game! YAY! Any bets as to how likely this is to last beyond the end of today?

1 comment:

Kathy Habel said...

Yeah Meg. I'm so glad things are going well for you!