Monday, August 31, 2009

School Days

Zippy has started Kindergarten. He started last Thursday. I truly expected to cry, and I was a little, tiny bit sad on my way home from taking him. But no tears. None. He didn't cry either. I think we're both REALLY ready for him to be in school. He's so curious and energetic--which translates into constant questions and talking. He's ready for new information, new friends, and someone new to ask questions of. And I'm ready for a break.

Here's Munchkin and Zippy just before we left for school. Munchkin was a big help keeping her brother excited and not nervous.

Zippy in all his Kindergarten-age glory.

I was a little afraid that Munchkin would throw a fit about not being able to stay at school with Zippy. But she was actually just fine. I think she likes being Mommy's Big Helper. I'm so proud of my little guy for being so ready for school. Not a single tear or whine or problem! Go Zippy!

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