Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This is going to be another of my not-so-perfect posts.

I was hoping to get it in yesterday, but I was too exhausted by the time the kids were asleep. That happens way too often for my liking.

The past few weeks for our family have been hectic to say the least. The following list of events probably doesn't even cover half of what we've been up to. In no particular order:

  • Munchkin broke her collar-bone. Or, rather, Zippy broke it for her when he sat on her.

  • Zippy started 2nd grade--yeah for school!!!

  • Little Man now calls me Daddy and uses "car" for just about everything else.

  • Grandma K came to visit.

  • The dishwasher broke--and it probably won't be fixed for quite a while.

  • Our van nearly died and needed some new gaskets and spark plugs and wires.

  • I began rehearsals for a special Relief Society choir (more to come on that later).

  • We braved the crowds for a $2 Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point Farm Country. Never Again.

  • Z-Man is now ASE Master Certified in Medium/Heavy Duty Trucks. YEAH!!!

  • The kids and I visited a fun splash park and went swimming with Grandma T.

  • And just this morning, Munchkin stuck a small round bead in her ear! Back to the Instacare!

We've been busy. I'm ready for the crises to pass and the money to stop flowing out of our accounts. Nothing else can break--children included.

And before you ask, yes I do have pictures of many of these events. They'll come later when I'm not 3 hours behind schedule due to another trip to see a doctor.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This is Me--O Remember, Remember

Have I seen the hand of God in my life today?

Thinking back upon my day has made me wonder. It hasn't been a perfect day by any stretch of the imagination. Roads were closed, appointments had to be rescheduled, waits were longer than expected, projects were bigger than I thought, demands were higher and energy was too low to meet them all. But in spite of that, there were some glaring reminders that Heavenly Father loves me. I just had to think back long enough to see them.

I was blessed with a friend who stopped by unexpectedly. Katy made a trip to WalMart a joy instead of a chore. She raised my spirits when they desperately needed it.

Lisa called and reminded me that I am strong for asking for help--not weak like I feel most days. She shared my joy in the things that are going well, and understood those that aren't what I want them to be. She reminded me that my life is full of blessings--and it's OK if those blessings are hard to deal with sometimes.

I met with a talented and compassionate health professional today that listened, understood, and offered help with no trace of pity or judgment. Instead, she offered hope, cheer, and the promise of continued help.

My difficult day has been full of those who love me--sent to help me by a Father who loves me more than I can imagine.

This is a day to remember.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Projects and Goals: Reevaluation Needed

I was hoping to post some updates about projects I've finished lately, or progress I've made on my goals for the year. But as I look around today, I can't see anything to talk about. The house is a mess, as usual, unfinished projects are piled on every available shelf in my bedroom, and I've made no appreciable progress on any goals in quite some time.

So instead of an update, I'm giving myself a little kick in the pants. I have one week to get Zippy ready for school, and only a couple more than that to get Munchkin ready for both preschool and ballet. I need to reevaluate and recommit to my goals. I have found and personalized a plan to take me and my family through the Fall and clear into the Holidays with much more organization and planning than we have ever had. I'm excited for new beginnings and the renewed energy I'm praying will come with them.

My goals for this week are to finish at least one project, get Zippy ready for school, reevaluate my goals and set small steps for each of them, and to blog. Seriously, I need to blog. In my perfect world, I would post here at least every weekday. I guess we'll see how I do this week. Oh, and I have a lot of memorizing to do. I need to have 4 hymns memorized by Sunday for a Relief Society choir I will be part of. Am I ready, of course not. I have almost 2 of them ready. Lots of work for the days ahead--yipee.

Wish me luck.