Sunday, June 1, 2008

You Mean Me?!?

I've been trying to blog this story for quite a while now, but every time I tell it, it sounds like I'm bragging. In fact, there are dozens of my close friends who should hear this story, but I HATE sounding like I'm proud of myself--or like I think I'm something special. I've decided that can't be helped--every time I think about this, I get giddy. So, if I'm bragging, I guess we'll all survive.

I met someone whom I admire a great deal. In fact, in my eyes, this person has reached celebrity status. I was terribly nervous, and excited, and giddy, and bewildered that it could even happen to me. But meeting this person didn't turn out to be the best part! It got better!

We spent quite a bit of the time together talking about movie stars and other famous people that this person has met. All of the "beautiful people" I dream about meeting. Then, as I'm standing next to this person who I admire so greatly, they turn to me and say "You are SO beautiful!"

I think my heart stopped beating for a second. I'm quite surprised I didn't drop right then and there. And I was absolutely certain I had imagined the whole thing. Except that everyone around me heard the same thing!

Now, I know that my mother has been telling me all my life that I'm beautiful. My friends tell me that too, and I'm going to assume that the Z-Man still likes the way I look. But to have someone I admire from afar--who has met some of the most beautiful people on the planet--and who I have just met (so they would have no alterior motive, right?)--tell me I'm beautiful. . . .well, that just made my lifetime!

So, thanks! I'm going to go do more happy dancing now.


Rae said...

Of Course You! You are such a goober...beautiful but still a goober!
I am glad someone is finally getting through your thick skull!


Amy said...

You are beautiful!!! I understand what you're saying though. When your family and friends say it it's different than when someone outside your social circle says it.

Georgia said...

I totally know who this person was too :) And this person is mighty fabulous... and you are mighty beautiful!!!