Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Looked Out The Window

And what did I see?

Popcorn popping in the apricot tree.

Spring had brought me such a nice suprise,

Blossoms popping right before my eyes.

Welcome, Spring! I'm glad you've finally decided to visit us.

Feel free to stick around just as long as you want!


Melissa said...

Hi Meg! It's Melissa/chocoholic. I had to comment on your Apricot tree. I just love the picture. My mother-in-law had one and they cut it down before my girls were old enough to see the blooms. The roots were messing with their plumbing in the house. Anyway, it was such a treat after hearing this song growing up to see a real live apricot tree in their yard. I'll have to show my girls your pics so they can see it. Thanks for sharing. Everything looks beautiful. ;)

Megatha said...

Thanks Melissa! I hope your daughters enjoy. Great to hear from you again.