Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Run, Mommy, Run

For those of you who wondered, I didn't make it to the Race for the Cure on Saturday. Munchkin got the stomach flu, and so we were homebound all weekend. Which means, unfortunately, that I don't get to share any of the wonderful, hilarious, witty slogans which abound at such events. The one time each year when breast jokes are in good taste, and I miss it. Sigh.

On a happier note, that means I have more time to train to actually run a 5k. My brother has graciously agreed to find another event to run with me this summer.

I did run this morning. I'm quite proud of my progress. I can run farther and even a little faster now.

While I was running, I had to smile at myself (laughing being out of the question due to gasping and wheezing). I was listening to the playlist I had prepared for the actual race. And it just made me smile. It's a weird and eclectic grouping of a number of different genres. Everything from alternative rock, to punk/pop, to Hullabaloo.

What, you don't know who Hullabaloo is?

They are, in their own words, "farm-fresh, free-range, organic kid-folk." You can check them out here. They are fabulous, and funny, and witty. And my kids love them! My favorite song of theirs to run to is called "Run Bunny Run." You have to find it and listen to it. Most days, I feel like I'm the bunny. Although, I have to admit to sounding more like the older brother. And, if I'm being honest, I'm also frequently the younger brother. Especially if another adult happens to stray too close to me. (Please talk to me, please, please, PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!)

But whatever the reason, it made me smile at myself as I moved from Muse to "Run Bunny Run" while running this morning. I think I'll just adjust the lyrics ever so slightly in my mind. Run Mommy Run.

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